Napkins should never find their way into the recycle bin. The simple reason for this is due to the fact that currently, there is still no technology that can recycle the materials used in making the nappies. Including them in the bins will create unnecessary load on the sorting and recycling machines and your bin rental company may not be happy with you if you keep stuffing nappies in the bins.
Pizza boxes
Most people think that pizza boxes can be recycled. This is only possible if they don’t have any food scraps. Whenever the pizza box contains the grease and the cheese from the delicacy, it is automatically disqualified as a candidate for recycling. This is because during the recycling of the paper products, they are mixed with water to form slurry. But water and grease don’t see eye to eye and this is why such pizza boxes should not be included in the recycling bins.
Shredded paper
You may think that every other kind of paper is recyclable, but this is not the case when considering shredded paper. When a paper is shredded, its value dramatically decreases due to the shortening of the length of paper fibers. But for a nice long fiber that hasn’t been shredded, the fiber is still long and strong and can be recycled for up to 8 times. So don’t dump any kind of shredded paper into the bins for recycling.